The Power of ~ ‘I CAN!’ ~

I have been thinking about our mentality and our mindset for a while. I read this book ‘Mindset’ by Carol Dweck a while ago and I don’t remember most of it but I remember it talked a lot about how having a realistic positive mentality helps people realize their goals. I remember that book being very inspiring and uplifting.

You have probably heard of this saying but “People who think they can and people who think they can’t, both are right.” I am a firm believer of that. I don’t know how true it is for most people but it works for me. When I set out to accomplish something, the voice in my head for most part says “I can do this!”. That’s my indicator of whether I am going to do something or not. If there is doubt in my mind about actually doing something, I generally wait for feeling strongly about wanting it.

For my 2018 Onwards, I decided to make some simple changes in my life. 10 days into it and so far, I am happy to say:

  • I have not been constantly checking facebook like I used to. I finally deleted the app today. My goal here is not to shut it down but minimize the addictiveness it has.  Side note: Facebook has this down-the-rabbit-hole quality to it that leads us to spend much more time on it than intended. I watched a Tedtalk and it talked about how facebook actually brings in people who design casino games in Vegas to make it addicting as possible for marketing products to us once they have our attention.
  • For the longest time, I thought it was too hard or too complicated to understand real estate market/world but now, I decided I CAN learn. So to get started and to educate myself on real estate, started off the new year with a quick and easy read which contained lots of helpful tips for homebuying referred to me by a friend (thanks!:)) The book is called “Keep Calm, It’s Just Real Estate” by Egypt Sherrod.
  • Have been listening to Podcasts to and from work related to real estate investments.
  • Made sure I have plenty of books on hand to read. If you have read any of these books, i would love to hear from you:
    • ‘What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know about Cash Flow’ by Frank Gallinelli
    • ‘The Road to Ruin’ by James Rickards
    • ‘Cold Hard Truth on Men, Women & Money’ by Kevin O’Leary
    • ‘Second Chance’ by Robert Kiyosaki
    • ‘Rise of the Robots’ by Martin Ford
  • Joined a Bookclub! –  Thanks to a lovely friend who got me in! 🙂
  • Oh, and I also made some organic lip scrub which is working amazingly for this dry winter here in Minnesota.

So, for all of you who have decided to move forward and take the steering wheel into your own hand and tell yourself ‘I CAN’. You really WILL!

What are some things you decided ‘I CAN’ on? Would love to hear about your To-Read list!

Have a peaceful day!

22 thoughts on “The Power of ~ ‘I CAN!’ ~

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    1. Thank you for reading! 🙂
      To add those buttons: Personalize –>Themes–> Customize –> Its either under Widgets or Content Options. I remember playing around with the customize page for it to make it look like I wanted it to. Also, if you need help, WordPress’ response time has been good for me so far! Good luck!

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  1. Such an inspiring post and exactly my motto (and I keep telling this my kids and husband) “You can do what you really want to!”
    That’s how I learnt to work with cattle, how to make cheese and many other things and how I keep venturing off into new things I never did before- like starting a blog 😉 Thanks for following me 😇

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Becca, I am glad you found it inspiring! And I am impressed with all the skills you taught yourself wow! 🙂 I did a crazy thing too just by telling myself, “I really want this and I CAN!” I actually did a 5 day trek in Peru through Salcantay peak (15000ft) without training for it. Wanted to test how far my willpower could push my physical body! I actually did a post on that too! 🙂


  3. Amazing! I haven’t read any of those books as I am not into Real Estate Investments. You could also read Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now. It’s good for the mind and emotional and mental stability. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This was a motivating read for me! I’m trying to cut down on my Facebook use too. I have been thinking about removing the Facebook app but leaving the Messenger app on my phone. This way my family and friends can still contact me through Facebook. By the way, thank you for visiting my site Good luck on your 2018 Onwards journey! ~Roxanne

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Roxanne, Thanks for reading! I am so glad the post served it’s purpose and was motivating to you. I have done exactly that too, I removed the fb app and kept the messenger so people can get in touch. I only check it twice a week for event invitations and limit myself to only reading the top one story.

      What might give you an additional push to remove the fb app could be this ted talk where he talks about how fb app is built to be addictive. Here’s a link to the tedtalk:
      Would love to know what you think about this! 🙂


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