*** NOMINATION NO. 3 (out of 5) ***


Thank you for the recent nomination floatinggold. Appreciate it!  I have been loving wordpress and the meaningful conversations I have had with the fellow bloggers so far. Let’s keep encouraging and supporting each other! 

NOMINATION FROM: floatinggold– a blog full of fun everyday topics.

QUESTIONS FOR ME (and my answers):

    1. Tell me about a time when you did something wrong/ made a mistake, but no one noticed. (I am aware this is not a question…)–The time when I gave a presentation and the slides had the text all messed up so I quickly skipped to the next slide.
    2. Which superhero would you like to interview and why?–I would probably interview Oprah Winfrey. She is my superhero! She has such a powerful story and how she came about to be what she is now through grit and smart work.
    3. What mundane thing is “magical” to you and why?–I love creative writing. Be it a blog post or writing this response, I love to hand write or type and it just flows through me which is “magical”!!
    4. Would you like to read minds and why?–Yes and No. Yes, because it would give me insight to how people think and their diversity of thought. And, No, because a human mind is already complicated as is. Why would I want to read others minds and complicate an already complex mind 🙂
    5. What question do you hate to answer?–If I climbed Mt. Everest before.
    6. What makes you feel powerful?–Feeling like having the ability to do what I set my mind to. I guess knowing I have the willpower to pursue things I want. Most of the time;)


I hope you all enjoy telling your stories and opinions with more of your blog posts. I  look forward to reading more posts from all of you!


  1. What is the strangest food you have every tried?
  2. What fictional character would you like to be and why?
  3. What three things gives you the feeling of being ‘home’?
  4. What is your most memorable adventure you have had and why?
  5. What is your favorite book to re-read?
  6. What makes you feel the most alive?


  • Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions from the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate other blogs.
  • Give them some questions to answer.

7 thoughts on “*THE LIEBSTER AWARD* Nomination

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  1. Congratulations my friend! I will always admire your love for creative writing and your ability to express your ideas so well & elegantly in words. Your answer to #6 gives me that motivation boost that I need when faced with difficult/challenging tasks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww, I love this so much. I never thought my writing would be described as elegant. Thanks so much! And you can do anything you set your mind to when you tell yourself you can!


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